Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wall O What?

Wall O Water.

It was almost as if I was speaking another language. I had just mustered up enough courage to approach the West Seattle Nursery Employee but when I asked my question, "Where are your Wall O Waters?", she just blankly stared before wrinkling her nose and asking, "Wall O What?"

"W-a-l-l Ooooo W-a-t-e-r. " I repeated.

"Never heard of them." She replied.

Great. My next door neighbor, who is also my landlord, brought over three b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l tomato plants that made my starts look like Jack next to the Giant. She started these plants from seed. She strongly encouraged buying a product called Wall O Water from the West Seattle Nursery.

Great. I have no idea where to get these. The garden expert thought I was speaking another language when I asked for them. And my land lord will evict me if I don't find Wall O Waters and the Giants die. Not really.

The internet search began. Oh great Google, tell me where and how fast they can get here. Found 'em and for a great price.

I guess they are also known as Aqua Shields. The shields trick the plant into thinking it's getting more sun than it is and it also keeps the air surrounding the tomato plant warmer.

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