Monday, May 4, 2009

Heirloom Seeds

Last night Lisa showed me an online store with a wonderful selection of heirloom seeds-- Seed Savers Exchange.

Heirloom seeds are the best kind to buy because you can harvest the seed at the end of the season and use it again the next year; most of the seeds have fantastic little bit and piece stories to go along with them, too.

I ordered some seeds for a fall planting including Copenhagen Cabbage, Calabrese Broccoli, and Forellensch Lettuce. I also ordered some Purple Pod Pole Beans; I am not sure if I will get to plant these or depends on how much free trellis space I have by mid-July.

I also ordered these treasures for next year:
Long Island Cheese Squash (a bright orange yummy kind of pumpkin I use for pies/bars/bread/cookies!), Boule d'Or Melon (says it's an absolute delight, hard to find, and will keep for several weeks!), Calypso Beans (beautiful!) as well as Tiger's Eye beans (wonderfully rich flavor and smooth texture- I'm sold!).

I have no clue how to harvest the seeds, but you can bet I am adding it to my learn-to list!


  1. I have never cooked with fresh pumpkin. After reading the varities that you chose, I'm curious enough now to try. :) Lisa

  2. Very cute blog you guys!
