Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain

Okay. So my trellis are not mountains, but surprisingly enough my idea worked. The Square Foot Gardening book suggested I use electrical conduit, rebar and trellis netting to construct the trellis I need for peas and beans.

Instead, I bought a package of 5' bamboo. There were 10 - 5' pieces in the package and it cost all of $6.00. Each trellis netting cost $4.00 and the twine? I already had it. I simply overlap the bamboo poles and secured with black electrical tape. I then tied the trellis netting to the poles. (I want to cover the black electrical tape with twine, but haven't done it yet. I think the electrical tape looks a little trashy. But at least I didn't use duct tape!)
After pushing the poles into the ground, I wrapped the pea vines around the bottom row of the treelis netting.

So, I guess I should change the lyrics of my song to: Grow, Grow Up Trellis Netting!


  1. I think I might have to steal that bamboo idea! It looks great! Much more natural than the pipe.

  2. Hey, I just found packages of bamboo at my local Tractor Supply Company (TSC) for only 99 cents!! Guess what I'll be doing with them next summer?!? Thanks for the great idea, Lisa!
