Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sugar Snap Peas, Please!

After finishing our boxes today, I got my peas in the ground.

You just jab a pencil in your ever-so-easy-to-work-with-dirt to make the spaces for planting.
I planted nine per square foot. The book said eight, so I will keep the eight strongest plants (assuming that all nine come up). I did not follow directions exactly. I'm bad about that. I planted eight squares of peas. I'm hoping for 64 pea plants. We are going to add the trellis' to the boxes next week.

Each pea tumbled right down a hole just like Alice after that rabbit. Speaking of rabbits, I'm a wee bit nervous about how I'm going to keep them out of my garden (we have more than a few living around here). I guess I need to wait and see if I actually grow anything before I get excited about rabbits.

I really want to grow my own organic sugar snap peas. I keep having that Miracle Max conversation with myself in my head...

I say - do you think it'll work?
And I answer- it would take a miracle!


  1. Another line - well, adapted line- from the the same movie: Grwohing, ta-woo grwohing, a dweam wiff in a dweam. LOL! This is going to be fun!

    Your peas will sprout!

  2. We are trying a garden for the first time this year too. Can you link to the book you were talking about?
